Wednesday, May 18, 2011

9 Months

Today marks my 9th month in Germany, and I must say...time sure does fly!!

I honestly don't know where to start in this post seeing as I haven't updated in 3 weeks. After the Easter holidays I had another week of holidays and then school started again. In the break I didn't really do too much, I just met a couple of people, and just sort of hung out. When school began it wasn't really anything special, few teachers acknowledged the fact that I was even gone, and my class mates also treated it as if I was never gone. I kept getting the same comment over and over about how tan I looked, but other than that, there wasn't too much said about my Eurotour or anyones holidays in general. But I think it was for the best that just focused on school and the next couple of months....

After my first week of school my parents took a hiking trip in Saxony somewhere, so they let me have a few friends over and it was very chill, then the next day was Bölscherfest and it was pretty lame with alot of drunk trashy people going around and getting into fights. As funny as it was, it wasn't too much fun. Then the next day I finally met up with the exchange students again, and we played soccer in Mauerpark, which is this really cool park where some parts of the Berlin Wall still remain, but there was a fleemarket or something going on, so it was really crowded!

The 13th class has also began to write their A-level exams, and the 10th grade started taking their MSA tests, and it says if they can move onto the 11th grade or if they stay behind...another thing is if they pass they can also drop out of school all together, but most students don't do that. But because of these tests I have alot of random days where I have no school, which has been really nice, but really confusing too. We generally just meet up and play basketball though!

I don't really think anything else exciting has occured. In this next month I have my last Rotary conference, then I travel to Holland with my class and then a poland trip with my class as well. And in between all of that my sisters have confirmation, on is graduating, a possible Düsseldorf trip, and another one with my family as well. These next 47 days will keep me busy!! I look forward to them, but at the same time I am sort of dreading going home...