Sunday, April 3, 2011

Short little update....

I am just getting back from the airport after me and my host dad dropped off my mom and sister. They came for about 4 days and we just explored Berlin and hung out. There really isn't too much to say other than that because I'm really not in the mood to write but I won't have anytime for a few weeks because I leave tomorrow for Eurotour! I'm suprisingly not freaking out and jumping out of my seat, I'm just tired and getting ready. I don't have school for 2 weeks, and I already feel sort of sad. Like I've said before, I feel better around my school friends than exchange students now, but I know that'll change after spending 18 days with them. Well, that's it for now, and I'll be updating on facebook and probably post another post in about 3 weeks!

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