Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last Month...

Well I apoligize for harldy posting at all in the last month, but I have actually been quite busy, so onwards with whats been up...

Well I still have hardly been in school due to so many different holidays and other cancelations, one of the days we didn't have school we celebrated one of my friends last nights in Germany, because he is also doing an exchange to Chile...that was one of the funnest nights!! I have also been going to the beach quite a bit with my friends, and then just chilling at their houses and what not. I personally feel as if I am fully immersed in the German lifestyle!! I know that this is a feeling that you're supposed to get on exchange, but it only makes leaving a lot harder!!

Also, on this past weekend we had our final Rotary conference. It was in this random city called Rheinsberg, and it was only a one nighter. We just grilled, and swam and just hung out for the last night together. It was a really fun night too, to say the least!! Then the next day, we visited once again another castle, which was probably the worst one that we've ever seen before, and afterwards we went and sang the people in our district, which supprisingly went quite well. I am going to try and post the video, but it was during this song that everyone started crying...but I suprisingly just didn't have it in me to cry, it kept wanting to come out but I just couldn't...I am really going to miss all of the exchange students, we have been through so much together, and it sucks realizing that I will probably see less than 50 procent of them in my lifetime!! But our year really ended off on a good note!

This past week was also shortened due to Himmelfahrt(Skyride??), something like when just went up to heaven...I don't think this holiday exists in the U.S. But also on this day, all the guys go out and celebrate as well, it's called "Herrentag"(Guy's day) or "Vatertag"(Father's day)...just another reason for Germans to celebrate, and it was alot of fun too!! Then we also had the day off of school yesterday and I met up with some people from my old class and just grilled in somepark over by my old school.

Now today just packing and getting ready for our trip to Holland tomorow!! Five days on a boot sailing through Holland!! I'm actually not too excited, but it should still be cool. I'll make sure to update after I get back!

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