Friday, July 22, 2011


Well, I haven't posted in over a month and for starters...I'm home!!! I've been home for about two and a half weeks now, but I haven't really gotten around to posting. Well heres a quick rap up of my last couple of weeks in Germany....

After my class trip to Holland I had one more week of school, then I headed off to Auschwitz and other major areas affected by the war in Poland. The trip was very interressting, but many of my good friends were still in Germany because it was with the religion class. It was nice getting to meet new people, but I would've prefered to spend the time with my friends.

After the trip I had two days left of school, the first was a sport day where I played American football...I was by far the best, which is sort of funny because I have never actually been the star football player in the U.S., but in Germany I was even asked to join the team and play quarterback. The following day was the last, and was just sort of a chill a day. Me and my host sister rode our bikes to the school, which was a lot of fun, and then we had breakfast, cleaned the room, and then received our report cards....and mine was somehow forgotten, which meant that I had to stay after school to get one from the secretary. Afterwards we played basketball for the last time, went to KFC, chilled at the beach, and then headed into the city to play some pool. A very eventful last day of school to say the least.

Afte the the last day I had 5 days of summer left in Germany, which consisted of packing and just hanging out with people for the last time. I had a going away party the last Friday that I was there and suprisingly a good 100 people showed up. It was an amazing evening, but didn't last as long as I had hoped. My very last night, my good friends came over for a barbeque, and they stayed until about 12. It was a great evening, but suprisngly not all that sad. I think the realization that I will see the important people again in my lifetime made everything so much better. The next day at the airport was the first time I cried, after giving my last hug tears just filled my eyes and I didn't see it coming at all because I had hardly felt sadness in the remaining weeks. So I sort of ran to security because I didn't want all my friends to see me like this, which I sort of regret now, because my friends told me how after I left everyone was teary eyed and it would of been nice to have been there with them to share that moment...

I got really lucky though, because I didn't fly home alone, I was with 4 other exchange students and we ran into a couple others too. Unfortunately I was sitting alone of the flight from Berlin to Frankfurt, which is when I could of used someone the most. I just looked out the window as the plane was leaving and balled my eyes out, this surreal feeling had finally come to me that my year was over. But it was an unforgetable year!

On that note I returned home to see my family awaiting my arrival....the weird thing was that it never felt like I had left. It was very nice to be home, but things didn't change at all while I was gone. I do have a slightly different group of friends, but my best friends have remained the same.

After 2 1/2 weeks I still think about Germany everyday, my German is still there, I have however forgotten a few things, but it still doesn't suck. I would love to go back and I miss it like crazy....I have made so many incredible friends over this past year and I have already so much more life experiences than most people my age. I will never forget it, and the lessons it has taught me, Germany is apart of me now and forever and I don't honestly now where I would be right now if it weren't for Germany. I will never forget you Germany! <3

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