Monday, January 18, 2010


After getting accepted in November, I've finally found out where I am going. I am going to the amazing Germany. I am extremely excited!!! Germany may not have been my first choice, but I knew going into this program that where ever I got accepted I would embrace the opportunity. I didn't do this to learn a language, or to just get away in general. I did this to see the world in a different perspective. I can't wait until August, but until then I need to get as prepared as possible. I am getting Rosetta Stone to help me to learn the language, I don't plan on being fluent before I go over there, i just want to have a basic understanding of the language. But learning the language will help to make the early months a hell of a lot easier. I really don't have anything else to say about this but I will continue to blog when I find out more stuff.


  1. Congrats Reed! I'm very proud of you and look forward to reading about your year in Germany through this blog! By the way, it's "embrace" with a b. Here's your first lesson in German: Ich liebe dich.

  2. I don't even know how I made that mistake. I know how to say it, but for some reason I just put p. I'm try to type well for my blog so it seems more professional.

    What does that phrase mean?

  3. It means "I love you". You can go back and edit your post to correct any spelling mistakes. Let me know if need me to show you how to edit.

  4. wow reed you wrote this on my birthday!
