Saturday, February 13, 2010


I know that my Aunt Kelly is the only person that is reading my blogs for now. But in case someone wants to go back and read all my blogs then now they can see what was going on at this time.

Recently I sent out letters to about 40 family members and family friends updating them on things and asking for donations. Unfortunately I didn't get back as many as I had hoped, fortunately the people that had donated were very generous and there still is the chance that people will send back a donation very soon. They may just be waiting to see me in person, or even for tax returns. Today I am more than likely going to write to the Marysville Rotary Club requesting for a donation, because they already said that they would. This trip is very expensive, so I want to avoid spending as much of my own money as possible so that I can still have money for college and other things in my future.

For the past month or so, I have been improving my German using Rosetta Stone. I have been learning a lot more basic phrases, colors, numbers, greetings, and other basic things since I am still at the beginning. I am about 1/10 of the way done with the entire program. But I assuming it will get a lot harder, so I will probably slow down and not rush through it as fast.

I have also had the opportunity to talk to quite a few people. The first person I talked to was a girl in Chile who is also blogging, she is on I asked her all the basic questions, like,"How do you like things?","how is school going?" and "What do you think of your family?" We still talk a little bit, but it's hard to relate to her because her experience will be a lot different than mine. I also have been talking to a girl from Alaska who will be in Germany next year as well. We talk nearly everyday and it will be even cooler if we get the opportunity to be in the same Rotary Club over in Germany. It will help knowing someone beforehand. The last person I have been talking to is a girl that lives in Germany and is coming to the U.S. next year. It really works out perfectly that we were able to start talking because we both have a lot of questions, so we can help eachother out.

Unfortunately at this time I still have a lot of unanswered questions. Like "where am I going?" and "who is my host family?" But if I've learned anything about this program it is that patients is key. For now I must focus on the important things which are learning about my country and learning the language. Also I need to focus on the upcoming conference, the first week of March, because if they don't feel that I am prepared there, then my journey could already be over. Let's hope that the conference goes well and that I impress them with all that I have learned. Most of all let's hope that this process continues to go as smoothly as it has.

1 comment:

  1. yep I'm reading! You are in my google reader so I get notified right away when you write a post. Good luck at the conference in March I'm sure you'll do fine. I look forward to hearing some of your German too!
