Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still waiting...

I know that I blogged like a week ago, but I figure I would just blog again. So far I've heard of 11 out of 14 districts, but I'm trying not to think about. I came to the realization that it won't be as exciting when I finally find out. It will be extremely helpful to know, but for now, it is more fun researching all of Germany instead of just my specific region of Germany. I will admit, I check my email literally every second, and I think I should cut back. I will try to just check it in the morning and then just not check it all day!! I don't think this will work very well though.

Aside from that, I got to go to Canada this past weekend to sell shirts at the district assembly for district 6330. This weekend we raised about $300. But the assembly in general was pretty cool. I got to learn a lot about Rotary projects and Interact clubs, which we will hopefully be starting up one really soon! There was only one other exchange student there, and he was an inbound from Brazil. It was pretty fun talking to him.

I'm still procrastinating writing my paper. It's not that it's tough. It is literally the fact that I don't know have to start it out! I can do everything else but write the introduction, but it annoys me so bad that I can't even write! I believe I will try really hard this weekend to do it.

I will keep you updated when I find out some information. I still can't wait, but I need to be patient!

Gute Nacht!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Seriously! I feel like I am the last person to find out where I am going. There are 14 districts in Germany, and I've heard of someone going to basically all of them. I really hope that I find out soon. With my luck, I will get my guarantee forms before I even get some form of contact from my YEO. But I will just have to be patient.

Aside from that, me and Safire, another Exchange student, have been selling shirts the help out Elizabeth Wallace in Chile. So far it has been going well. We have been selling alright at our schools, and there has been some community interest. We were supposed to have an article publish, I even talked to a guy at The Times Herald, who said this is front page stuff, but they haven't called me back in over a week. I've been trying to contact Elizabeth Wallace to email him, but every time I talk to her it doesn't work very well. Also, we will probably sell a lot this weekend because we are going Canada for the district conference. I really hope we can send as much money as possible to Chile.

This is a picture of the shirt!!! I don't care for the lime green, but the design is sweet!

Basically, nothing else exciting has been going on. I'm reading an exchange book, I can't even think of the name. I am supposed be writing a 12 page essay about Germany, and so far all I have is the title. I accidentally uninstalled Rosetta Stone, but that is under control now. I've also started going to Rotary meetings, tomorrow will be my second one. Other than that nothing exciting has been going on. I don't have another Exchange Conference until May 29th, which couldn't take any longer!! Even though I must wait forever for stuff to happen, I sill love Rotary and the opportunity it is providing. I can't wait for my exchange to finally come! Four more months!!!!!! UGG!

I really don't have anything else to say