Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nothing New...

The title pretty much sums up everything that has been going on since my Birthday. I'm still going to give a little recap anyways...

Last week was sort of boring in school, I was sick on Monday, then my host mom gave me a note to give to my teacher next day but I forgot, and he never asked either. I sort of makes me wonder why I even go to school if it doesn't matter to the school, but whatever, I still love all seeing all my friends everyday! School is only sometimes boring, but my friends make it all worth it!

The on Friday I went to the bookstore to get my host mom a birthday present, I wanted to ask the lady for a book, but I told her I didn't know the German title, just the author. So I told her "Harper Lee" and she knew what I was referring too. Then she got it for me and asked if I had just gotten back from an exchange in America, and she was suprised when I was actually an exchange student....pretty good feeling right there! Then I got two more books for myself, "Der Kleine Prinz" which is called "The Little Prince" in English. It's sort of a little kid book, but it's perfect for me since I'm still not amazing at reading. I also got "Berlin Alexanderplatz", it's a German book too, but a lot more difficult than the other. I've really been enjoying reading in German, espeically when I can read for a while without having to look up a word. I've been reading "Anne Frank" and I can read it faster and faster everyday!

Then later that day, I went with one of my host sisters and my old host brother to Kreuzberg for a going away party for a family friend, who was also in Austria. She is going to Ghana for a charity project and for her University. My older host sister from Düsseldorf was also there because it's her best friend, and as a birthday suprise for my host mom. Pretty interesting night, and suprisingly, the most fun thing at this party was a little board game where you just try to keep an airplane up. It's funny how interesting somethings can be...

Saturday was very chill, we just had to get ready for my host mom's birthday party. But only my host mom and one of my host sister's were cooking, so I did nothing. The party was nice. I didn't really do much because they were all older, so I just hung out with my host siblings. Then at midnight everyone sang, gave my host mom a hug and presents, then it was already over. Nothing really all that special.

On Sunday we went to this place in Berlin-Dahlem called the Botanischer Garten, where we got a tour and listen to classical music and drank Coffee. It was a little boring for my taste, but it was perfect for my host mom, it was everything that she loves put together...

This next weekend I'm hanging out with Jonas the whole weekend. He's probably my best German friend and he had his birthday today, so were just gonna chill and celebrate. The next two or three weekends will just be simple, then my mom will hopefully be here, and then Eurotour!! I'm suprisingly not too excited, but that is because the day it starts, I will be at officially three months left!! It goes way to fast!!

1 comment:

  1. i think you spelled this whole sentence wrong.

    it should actually be "then my mom, sister emma, and aunt will hopefully be here."
