Monday, July 19, 2010

Less Than a Month!!

I still can't really picture myself in Germany!! It's even harder to believe that a month from today, I will actually be a couple days into my exchange. Everything about this is all just sort of weird. I'm not really nervous, but at the same time I'm not ridiculously excited either. I am basically just content. The two girls going to India have already been there for a few days and that's even hard to believe! I'm sure that as time comes I will begin to feel more nervous, but I have this feeling that I would actually realize that this is actually happening until I'm there!

Well I still don't know about my next couple of host families! My YEO hasn't emailed me back yet but hopefully soon. I also still have no clue about my ticket!! Some kids are leaving in 10 days for Germany and they still don't know! But it sounds like I'm going to Amsterdam first and then to Berlin! It will be kind of nice being able to take a break and actually being able to talk to my host mom on the phone before I meet her! She seems like the nicest lady in world....well I hope! But I'm sure me and her will get along fine.

I still have so much more to do before I leave! Hopefully I can bring in some more money too!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so your Aunt Kelly has been a bad blog commenter. You now have less than 2 weeks to go!! Woohoo!
