Monday, July 12, 2010

Grand Rapids!!

Grand Rapids was amazing!! It was one of the best weekend of my life, but at the same time it was one of the saddest. I met so many people, and had a lot of fun, but it was the last time that I will get to see a lot of the people I have gotten to know so well over this past year. I have found these people easier to talk to relate to than even my own friends. I hope that I am able to find friends like this is Berlin.

Back to Grand Rapids, there were a few boring speakers, but for the most part there were a lot of really good ones. The opening ceremonies were incredible, and there were a lot of random people singing, which made it much better! I was bummed out that there was no one going to Berlin. There are a few people in my district, but no one close to Berlin. I also met a rebound from Berlin who I have been talking to, and an inbound. Unfortunately I didn't have cards, and neither did she, So we will never meet.

The food wasn't very good there. But what did you expect from a college? It's sort of funny because that food will probably be 10 times better than some of the food that some students will eat on their exchange. There really isn't too much to talk about, we just hung out with everyone for the last time, and there were a lot of tears! I feel bad for all the inbounds, as our journeys begin, theirs are just ending. I'm going to miss all of them, but fortunately a lot of them were already planning on coming to Berlin to see the inbound from Berlin.

I honestly don't think that I will ever have a weekend like this ever again. It won't be the same next year because no everyone will be there. Hopefully we can all get together sometime before we leave. It is crazy to believe that two people are leaving tomorrow! Both of the people are leaving for India, and I am extremely jealous that they get to leave tomorrow. I leave 5 weeks from today! They will be there well over a month before I arrive! But I am glad that I get a few weeks to say bye to my friends and family! It is still hard to believe that I am leaving! I am excited, but extremely nervous at the same time. I'm sure that things will get more and more weird as time gets closer.

1 comment:

  1. Your adventure is just beginning Reed....and it's going to be the adventure of a lifetime!! Can't wait to share it with you via your blog, pictures, and skype!
