Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almost a Month!

I would post on Saturday which would be the day of my official first month, but I think that I am going to be busy, so I'm just going to do it now...

Well life hasn't really been all that exciting since I last posted, I've just been living life day by day. Since the wild boar incident, I haven't seen another. I have however been hit by nearly evey car in Berlin, especially in my area. In the main parts there is cross walks, but where I live there isn't any, and it has been raining non-stop, so it gets tough to see sometimes. But my timing has been getting pretty good because of it. You have to move really fast here because there is just one car after another and people going every direction. I have also crashed my bike a lot too!

School has finally started to pick up here too! It is a lot different from definitely don't get as much homework, but you have more tests, which makes it a lot harder to get a 1(A), especially being me. Unlike what I've heard from most exchange students, I have not been excused from a test! I have to attempt them, and normally what I end up doing is writing the English answer. I have failed 2 tests already, but one I almost got an A! and it was physics! I was pretty pumped. Even though my grades don't matter, I still really want to try because I still have to attend American high school next year, and there my grades DO matter! In English we have a student teacher from Virginia now! Another very exciting thing. She hardly speaks German, and doesn't understand the German accent clearly, she will ask me what people said because she has no idea! It is seriously amazing! But something that has sort of sucked is that now everyday in German class, my teacher makes me get up and read to the class! It is very embarrassing, especially because they all clap when it's over! But I realize now that I have all of the questions memorized, so I may get a 1 on my next test!

Also, this past weekend was very exciting! On Friday I hung out with some friends from school. We went bowling and just chilled. But afterwards, I came back to the tram station and my bike seat was stollen! I seriously don't get people. Then Saturday I met up with the other exchange students again, and there were a lot more than before. I got to meet pretty much all of the "oldies," and then some of the "newbies." It was a lot of fun, and I got to see more new things in Berlin! I'm pretty much pro by this point! Then while going home, some guy came up and sat next to me and said something in English, that I probably shouldn't repeat, and so I said,"No way! you speak enlgish?" So we ended up talking and he has been traveling the world for the past 8 months, and he has 2 months left. He has been out of college for 2 years and he gave me the name of the travel agency he used! I was very excited, and it sounds like a great adventure! Unfortunately I forgot to give him my card, because I really wouldn't of minded talking to him again. I told my mom about it too and she said "no way!" The next day I went to the movies with some friends from school, and we saw "Beilight" which is the German "Vampires Suck." I think it would've been really funny, too bad that I don't understand German!

Well this week was a little interesting too, I filled out my first monthly report! It was extremely easy and it felt good writing some stuff down. Also, I got my bike seat back! It makes no sense, but one day after school I arrived at the tram station and my seat was just there! Once again, people make no sense! Also, I think that my German is getting better!?!?! Everyone keeps telling me it, but I guess that I just don't realize. A lot of it is that I like to compare, and I realize that everyone's English is still better than my German. But now I can sort of carry on a conversation, and sometimes I don't even realize that I'm speaking German.

O! And I almost forgot that I had my first Rotary meeting this week! Well I left my host about 6, to go to the meeting that I thought was at 7, and I used the directions that I had found on the bvg(berlin transportation) website. They ended up being wrong and taking me way past where I needed to be. I called my host mom, and sort of freaked out a little, in English, because my German mind was not working! I ended up getting on the S-Bahn again at 7, and then passed a burning building, that hadn't been burning before! I arrived at the Best Western hotel at 7:15, and only two people were there! My YEO just wanted me to get there early...well it went well, I met a lot of nice people, I had to give a mini speech in English about myself. I realize that now I could've said it all in German!! I got a huge thing of Wiener Schnitzel and non-bubly water! So all in all it was a sucess! Then one of the Rotarians living by  me gave me a ride home, invited me over for dinner, and told me that he was going to bring up at next weeks rotary meeting, paying for my language course! I love Rotary!

Well this weekend I don't really have any big plans, even though it's my month anniversary. Guillermo is probably going to install a language program on my laptop, and I am going to hang out with a few friends! Next weekend I have my first conference in Neuruppin, Germany and I am extremely excited for that! I probably won't be blogging until after that! O, and sorry for the random order of this blog!!!



  1. so guess what? me and like alll my friends might be doing bowling this winter! loll. just saying it because you said something about bowling.

  2. Congrats on your first month in Berlin! Time flies when you are having fun. How weird that someone stole and then returned your bike seat. Crazy. Keep trying hard in school and before you know it you will be thinking and dreaming in German. If you remember that guy's name maybe you can look him up on FB. He must be having quite the adventure to be able to travel for a year.
