Monday, September 27, 2010


Well this weekend was probably the funnest weekend I have had this year! I just want to start out by saying that exchange students are some of the best people in world! I'm so glad that I'm doing Rotary and not a different program, because I don't believe that I would've had the same opportunity to meet exchange students! Rotary is the best!
School was pretty easy last week. Thursday we had a sportfest that started at 1, so I didn't go to school until then, and then I ran 100 meters, threw shot-put, did long jump, ran 800 meters and then went home and got ready for Neuruppin! Friday I went for the first two hours, it worked out that my next couple of teachers weren't there, so I got out early and went home! I grabbed my stuff and I had to walk to the tram carrying my Rotary jacket and rolling a suitcase. Some older lady that I say "hi" to a lot came up to me and started talking to me. She had no idea that I didn't understand. She mention something about the weather and how nice it was and I just said, "ja, es ist sehr schön" and then I managed to get away without making her feel awkward or anything. Then I met a group of ladies from Australia. They were about 50's, but it was nice being able to help them out, and they ended up just following me to the tram, and then to the bahnhof(station). They got off the stop before me, and I sort of wanted them to meet everyone because they had some questions about Berlin that I didn't know, but others would know. I ended up arriving at Fredrichstrasse early.
I met the group, it was mostly people that I already knew, and then a few new people. We met in front of the grocery store, and we went in to buy a few things and I found mountain dew!!! I almost cried, I was so happy. Unfortunately there is no picture of it yet...We hung out a little, then bought a group ticket which was really cheap! Then we got on the s-bahn and headed to a different station. We only had 4 minutes after we got off the s-bahn to make the next train. Somehow we managed, but the train was completely full so we had to stand for a half hour, which was no problem because none of us could sit still!
We were greeted at the train station in Neuruppin by some of the local Rotarians and they gave us a ride to the hotel/hostel. We got our rooms and then waited for people to arrive. It was nice seeing some of the people that I hadn't seen in a while, like the ones that I had flown here with. Everyone was amazing and everyone gave hugs! It's very weird that we hug these random people, but I definitely miss hugs. German hugs just aren't the same for some reason....
For the first part of the night, we just chilled outside, drank fanta, and ate some Haribo! Then we went inside, sat down, listened to them talk and we ate. It was just a buffet, with common German foods...aka meat, potatoes, and bread! Then they talked some more, and everyone had to introduce themselves in whatever language they wanted. I believe that everyone at least attempted German, but I really couldn't say much more than the basics. Some people went on and I understood, but I was nervous to screw up the grammar in front of everyone! Then we went to the beach thing for the night, and just chilled again. There were so many cameras going and I figured there was no point in taking pictures! Which is actually really nice and I finally just got to enjoy something for once. I also met more random people. There was a group from Berlin there and they were doing some singing thing. Once again I ran out of cards, so I can never meet up with them again. Which sucks because they were really cool. But afterwards we went back to our rooms at midnight and probably feel asleep at 5! It's tough to sleep when you can't stop talking!
I got up 2 hours later, and then we had breakfast. The group of singers joined us, but I didn't recognize anyone because it had been too dark the night before. Suprisingly enough, we had bread for breakfast. But here you have like 1000 different things that you can put on bread, so it never gets old. We left breakfast and headed to the main part of Neuruppin. We got to take a boat there! Once again, it was so much fun and it was very long too. We got to Neuruppin, and it is a very pretty town. We had to take a group photo, and out of the 40 of us, 30 people handed 1 guy their camera! I was going to, but I figured that they had enough, and also there is facebook. After that, we split up into groups. Spanish and English. I was glad because I was sick of hearing everything 3 times! 2 times is much better and eventually it will just be one. We got to go up the cool church and climb like 1000 stairs. Then you could actually see the whole town. That was probably the highlight of the Neuruppin tour. It wasn't all that interesting to be honest. A tour of Berlin would be way better!
For lunch we had Spaghetti! We listened to some guy speak about Germany and it was interesting. Then we had the actual orientation. Which was pretty basic. They went over the d's which have already been drilled into everyone's heads and then they discussed the trips and orientations. We have Paris next month! It's 250 euros and I already paid for it. It is technically an orienation, so I'm confused why we have to pay, but I really don't mind. Then we have one in January, I think, and it's with another district! Then we have Eurotour in April!!! It's 950 euros, and I'm hoping it can be my Christmas present. Then we have a goodbye party in June :(
After that we had free time. It was raining so we didn't actually want to be outside. So we grabed ice cream, which is Jelado, like all ice cream in Germany, then we ran to the store again. We all waited outside the restaurant for an hour and finally the Rotarians came after we were soaked! We went in, got drinks and presented our countries. Then we had some more German food! It is seriously the best food in the world! Afterwards we got to dance! And it is seriously embarassing being American, because we can't dance like the Latin Americans can!! They are all so good and then we're all just awful, but it was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to take a salsa class soon with my friends from school. After dancing for a while we had to introduce ourselves....again! But it was sort of a good thing. We had to speak over the mic and say stuff. Normally when I stand up in front of people with a mic I get nervous and shake because I hate hearing an echo. But this time it was all good, and I spoke German! So I sort of realize now that my confidence is a million times better!!!
Well we left about midnight, and then went back to the hotel and partied a little bit more. I went to bed at 5 again, and got up a little later than the night before. It was the funnest night of my life!! Breakfast was very quiet though. Everyone was extremely tired from lack of sleep. After breakfast, we went upstairs, packed, put on our blazers, took more pictures, and then headed to the lobby to leave...we all got banners from the Neuruppin Rotary club to put on our jackets, and that was nice! The Neuruppin rotary club is extremely generous, and the one girl with the club should be very thankful for her club! It would be amazing to work with that group.
I left with practically the same group that I had come with, and we went to Haupbahnhof because we weren't quite ready to leave everyone. We had pizza from pizza hut! Everyone was happy except the Italian. Then we grabbed more Jelado and finally headed home. It took over an hour to get back because I had to switch to the tram and then walk, but it was good for some reajusting time. It is tough hanging out with these amazing people and then switching back to reality. I still love my school in Germany, and most of the people, but nothing beats exchange students! Whenever I'm with them it just feels like nothing else exists. I wish everyone could be like an exchange student!!!
Well this next couple of weeks are lame. I have no idea when I am going to post again. We have a normal week, then next week is project week in school. Then the next two weeks are vacation! I plan on taking a language course, but it is very expensive. I had emailed my YEO and asked if the Rotary Club could help pay for it. I hope they can because I really want to do this one! After the break we go to Paris so I get to miss even more school!!! Germany is great!
Well that is all, I will post as soon as anything exciting happens!
Friday Night at the BonfireHanging out Friday NightPresenting the U.S.A.! Unfortunately we don't have a big flag yet...Saturday Night at the DiscoLeaving Sunday Morning :(


  1. I made the mistake of reading your post right before I'm about to call into a work conference call and now I cannot stop laughing about the dancing! You are so right - Americans cannot dance and the Latin Americans (and Spaniards) are so phenomenal. haha!

    I'm so proud of you Reeder for doing this year abroad. Your life is going to change in ways you cannot even imagine. You are seeing a glimpse of it after just a month there, but stay tuned, your mind will be opened and changed 100 times more in the months ahead. Don't you wonder why there are wars when you see that ultimately people have more in common than not?

  2. I think that's why Rotary promotes it, because they are an international organization and they are trying to promote this worldliness, sorry for the made up word but it works! I have already changed a lot of peoples perspectives at my school about Americans, at least i think!

  3. Gelato is with a G! But I like that you write the same way you talk pretty much. Ich liebe Deutschland!Und natürlich ich liebe dich auch. Bis bald!

  4. Just want you to know that I do read all of your blog, I just do not comment all the time. This is such a great opportunity for you and I can see you are having a great time and I am so happy for you. When I went to Mexico and Spain with Aunt Kelly, my eyes sure got opened up. You are so lucky because you are young and you can see everything so much sooner than I did. Have fun and be safe. Love Grandma
