Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Adventures with Wildschwein!

I still don't know a title for this post, as I go I'm sure I will think of one...well like I said, school has been amazing! I'm just happy all the time and I really love the people around me! I still can hardly speak German, but communicating has been getting a lot easier. Unfortunately taking the language course I wanted isn't going to work out, but I may be able to find a different one and hopefully even a better one. But still, now I will attempt to talk to people in German, they always notice my accent though, which is very frustrating because my German could be perfect, but they will speak to me in English because they know I'm American!

Well this weekend so far has been incredible! I finally got to go to a legit German party. It was a lot of fun, and it is surprising how responsible the people are here. It's another one of those things that is hard to explain. I just stayed the night at Guillermo's and Leon's because we were meeting up the next day anyway. We got up late, and we were like an hour late meeting everyone. We ended up going to the zoo, but it was pretty bad and they treated the animals horribly! But at the zoo, I finally had schnitzel which is amazing! We left early, met up with a few of our oldies, but they had a Rotary meeting so then we just went to Potsdamer Platz. Every time we go, we have intentions of making it to the Berlin wall, but it never happens. We ended up getting ice cream, and meeting up with the coolest group of kids ever! They were from Australia and we talked to them for like an hour and I believe that we have like 5 more kids that want to do an exchange through Rotary! We left, grabbed some stuff from Aldi and then attempted to get back to Guillermo's before Adrian missed her bus. We never made it to Guillermo's...

We left, and I made it to my station. Normally I have my bike, but I didn't because my host mom had dropped me off instead. So I walked through the creepy forest that I had been warned about, I made it out safely and I was so glad that there were other people. Then I felt safe, and I walked down one street and didn't see anything, I got to my street and I was pretty close to my house, when I saw 3 Wild Boars! I had just passed a street connected to mine, and a mom with her 2 kids came running out. I'm assuming now that something scared them, but I am so relieved that she didn't see me and I am glad that I didn't run or scream either. If I would have been a few seconds slower, she would've seen me forsure and would've attacked me! I didn't really shake for too long, I was very nervous to walk the rest of the way because I didn't know what would be at the end. But I made it, closed the gate, I thought I saw one in my yard and I could hardly get the key in the door. But I made it and I was relieved.

Today I'm meeting up with people from school and we're going to Kreuzberg! It should be a lot of fun, and for people that don't know, this is the most famous area of Berlin. It is where the wall and checkpoint Charlie is at. Well I think it has the East Side Gallery, but I'm not sure. It is also like one of the most dangerous areas. It should be a lot of fun today!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is "holy schwein" - good thing you didn't panic and she didn't see you. When you say that a mom and her kids came running out - are you talking about the boars?
