Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well I am still currently on Fall break, tomorrow is the last day and it sort of sucks that it is going to end! Throughout the break I have been attending a language school in Mitte! It is so cool coming out of school everyday and seeing Berlin's big T.V. tower, which says that you're in Mitte! I am also just going to miss being with foreigners everyday in general. Foreigners are generallly the funnest people. I am definitely more fun here than in the U.S. and I'm sure that I'll be a lot more boring when I go back. It's mostly because it's new and we are all just so excited to try new things and it's not as fun seeing and doing certain things that you have been used to for so long! So for a foreigner it is much easier to be open about things!

Anyway, my first week of break was sort of boring. I just went to language school everyday. The first Monday I had to get up at 6 and take my placement test, which ended up being really bad! So I was not put in the advanced class, but it wasn't the lowest either. I have 2 teacers for 1 1/2 hours each, with a 30 minute break inbetween. My first teacher isn't the greatest, but my 2nd teacher is excellent! I have learned a lot from her and I think if I took the test again it would be a lot better. But that is pretty much what I did all week and nothing else!

Then on the weekend I met up with people from school Friday, Saturday I hung out with some of the exchange students in Berlin, and Sunday I actually tried to read German!! I bought Anne Frank Tagebuch, I'm pretty sure that you can figure out what that means, and I was reading that and Harry Potter. It's still not very clear, but I enjoy reading them in German because I read both of them in English, so it helps. I also didn't have any internet connection that day, so I'm doing things that I needed to do on Sunday now because I finally have time.

This week I meet up with my friend, Emily, from my district back home! She lives in a little town called Esens somewhere on the North Sea. She was visiting here with her German district and I met up with her all the days she was here, along with some of my friends. It was really nice seeing someone from home and it really makes me miss people! But even though I was a little sad that she left, she also made me feel very lucky because I live in Berlin! I know that everyone reading this already knows it, but she was saying how happy she was to be here and stuff like that and I just felt so lucky! How many people really get to live in Berlin or any big city as an exchange student? It's very lucky and I'm still wondering if I love big city life, or small town life? But I have many years to determine where I actually want to live.

Well tomorrow is my last day of language school. I think I'm getting together with some exchange students after and we're going to buy a flag and other stuff that we don't have yet. I leave for Paris on Saturday!! I'm suprisingly not all that excited. But I realized when I get really excited for something, it's generally a disappoinment, so I'm just glad to be going and I hope that it's fun and all goes well! I will make sure to post again after I get back on Wednesday! I also get to skip some school because of this! Which does make it even better!

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