Friday, October 29, 2010


Paris is supposed to be this amazing city that people dream of going to all their lives...but in all honesty, it's just a normal dirty tourist city....but I still loved it!!

Time for a little recap of eveything that has been going on, including being in Paris!! Well Friday was my very last day of language school and it was actually sort of sad. I really loved language school and I just love being with foreigners all day. It also helped that it was right in Prenzlauer Berg, which is practically Mitte! I loved almost everything about language school, one teacher was amazing, but the other was scheiße! I talked to two of the people in my class at the break, both were from Brazil and one them is actually very active in Rotary! So he was excited when I told him that I'm here through Rotary, so we are definitely going to stay in touch. The other I had lunch with and she is still here for 5 more months and that won't be a problem to see her. That night I met up with my exchange friends and we met another district which was pretty cool and a lot of fun! Meeting other exchange students is amazing!

The next day I rolled out of bed at about 9 or 10 got ready and my host family took me to Ostbahnhof! It was so nice seeing everyone that I hadn't seen in a while! Many I get to see because they lived in Berlin, but a lot live really far away! So it was nice. We left Ostbahnhof at about 2:30 and headed out on our 17 hour bus ride or so to Paris! It suprisingly didn't suck because it's just nice seeing everyone and talking to everyone. Time really flew! We had to make stop constantly because the bus driver always needed a break, and every time we had to leave! Even if didn't want to get anything or we just wanted to sleep. Our Bus ride went through Berlin, Köln, Belgium, and eventually Paris. Somewhere between Köln and Belgium we got 9 exchange students from a different district because we had extra space. They we all pretty cool, especially Sims!! I hope you read this! Driving through Europe didn't really phase us at all! We were in Belgium and we could care less. It's almost like driving from state to state. We ended up in Paris at 7 in the morning to the building across the street burning. But we all could of cared less due to lack of sleep.

Same thing happened in Paris, we all could of cared less that we were there! We just showed up, put our bags in a room and went downstairs to eat cresants and nutella. Someone decided to mention the fact that we were in Paris and everyone just said "cool" in a very monotone voice. After eating, some people played piano, of course all Latin Americans because they can literally do everything!! Then afterwards we finally left for Paris! Without showers, by the way! So everyone was dirty and smelled the whole day!

We took the Paris subway system everywhere! And it sure does suck compared to Berlins! It is old and it is so complicated compared to Berlins! I'm sure I could figure it out no problem, but it would take like 50 switches to get from one side of Paris to the other. I think we only had to switch 3 times to get to the first place, which was the new area of Paris. It was extremely nice and a lot better looking than the buildings in Berlin! I believe the first thing was called the Arch of Defense. We started there, they gave a mini orientation, and then we walked thru all the new stuff until we got to another station and then we went to another really famous thing called the Arc de Triomphe and that was really cool! When we got there we had freetime so we wasted a little bit of it by trying to cross the complicated street. Only a few of us did and I realized we actually go under, so that was easier.

We saw that then grabbed some lunch! Being poor exchange students we ate McDonalds and it was so complicated! First off it is more expensive than Berlin and then I couldn't figure out how to order because I kept saying things in German to the lady, even though she knew English, I can't even imagine how tough that'll be when I go back to the U.S.!! After that was over, we met up and went to the thing that people truely do dream of seeing and being under...the Eiffel Tower!! But the Eifel Tower was no joke, it was legit! It was way bigger than I had imagined and it was so nice looking! The only thing that was sort of upsetting was the big nets around it because of people killing themselves. But still it was nice. We took photos, and a group of us went to the top of it. Another group was 10 minutes late and they had said it was too crowed, so no more! It was amazing! It was sort of scary when we kept going higher and higher, but it was wort of it! Being that the top was just incredible! You can see how beautiful all of Paris is too! Es war sehr schön! I would do that again for sure, it was definitely the best part of Pairs! It sucks that it happened on the first day too because I realized that nothing is going to beat it.

It was funny seeing the other group on the second level and they were so mad that we go to see it! But it's a reason to go back. We all still went down together and met the rest, who were trying to negotiate buying mini Eiffel Towers from the people and that was also a lot of fun! But it made us late and not in order so the Rotarians were extremely mad! Eventually we were all together and there but we still wanted to walk and take pictures even though we were late, so they were still extremely mad. I wasn't really paying attention either and I walked over some person's things. He was mad too! But what was he going to do because what he was doing was already illegal.

We made it back to the hotel, got rooms and some people had time to shower, but not me so it was another few hours of being dirty! We went to the restaurant and ate some French food. It was not good at all compared to German food! The we had free time for a few hours and we had to be back at 11 because they were too angry with us for it to be 12. I think we finally went to bed 3 or 4 because of course we had to talk and then we had to be up at 7! So we got like no sleep but we slept well because when we woke up the lights were still on and normally I can't sleep with them on. We headed down for breakfast and it was the same as the day before.

I'm trying to remember everything that we did, but I'm already forgetting the little things. I think we went to the Louvre, and that is the famous museum in Paris where a lot of movies were filmed and where the Mona Lisa is. It was a very nice museum, but it was just so boring and the Mona Lisa was the only thing that I actually knew. But it was actually a bit disappointing because it's so small! I always imagined it to be big! But it's so small! But at least I got to see it....

Then we went on a little walking tour through downtown and we ended up infront of the Music Hall and got more free time. We grabbed food from this soup place and I finally spoke English with the lady but it was so confusing and it took over 5 minutes to figure it out because she wouldn't accept the fact that I didn't care what sauce she used. It was also expensive! But it was good and it was French, I think. Then we went to a shopping place and found Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!!! It was pretty incredible, but I only bought 2 because it was expensive! But it was amazing! After that we went to the Hard Rock Cafe only to look around and not to actually eat, so it sort of sucked but it was cool because they only speak English at these places.

Then we left for dinner for real and we ate at some nice little French restaurant and the meal was very good! It was just a very entertaining dinner, but it is very hard to explain everything. But one thing I got out of it was the education in the U.S. can be very dissapointing in many aspects, especially because everyone in the group can speak English and only me and a few other Americans know only English. It's sort of embarassing and it just makes American's look even more cocky because we know that others will adapt to knowing English for us! So hopefully this changes eventually! After dinner we went on a boat ride through the center of Paris! It was a lot of fun but my camera was dead, so no pictures! But it was a good time and I'm pretty sure a boat ride through Paris won't ever be the same again...

That night we got to stay out until 12:30 and of course we ate crepes!! After that we hung out and had to get up at 6:30 but we went to bed past 5 so definitely not enough time! Once again same Breakfast, and I wasn't hungry, so I went up stairs, packed and I got ready for the rest of the day. We had to walk everything to the bus, over a mile away, but it was fine. Then we walked to the station and did another walking tour. Then we visited Notre Dame. It was very nice but sort of sad how they charge money for everything there and even have full time employees. It didn't really seem like a church because of that. But the building was absolutely incredible!!

After that, we took a train ride to Versailles which is just outside of Paris. It's where they signed the treat of Versailes during WWI. It was the final part of our trip and it wasn't that exciting either. It was very nice but so boring!! Plus there was a bunch of random little Japanese creatures and it took away from the beauty. After walking through it we met in back and like 5 of us and the guys in charge of our exchange walked through the gardens. It was very nice and realaxing! But it turns out everyone else was waiting for us, and they were mad even though the guy said that we were doing this.

Then we went to McDonalds and ate burgers and just enjoyed ourselves because we were going home!! It was fun being with everyone, I don't think Paris was all that special but I still loved it! I will go back for sure and do what I want! But I loved being with the other exchange students, and the bus ride home was extremely sad. Seven of the oldies are leaving soon and some of them were crying! I'm really going to miss them too! One leaves in 2 weeks, but the one that I'm closest with leaves in January and I am so glad! I don't want her to leave, but I'm glad she is here longer. But also on the ride home I sang Spanish! I love that I know a little and I can at least read it! So I finally wasn't discluded for not knowing Spanish!

We arrived in Berlin about 11 or 12 and we grabbed some Döner because we all missed it so much, and then we went back home! The next conference isn't until February and it's so far away! We are going to a concentration camp in 2 weeks and we're going to try to do more things like this. I love being with exchange students! They just make things so much better. Also, I apologize for the long and very bad post! I just can't write very well today for some reason.

I do have one last thing to say! Today I took my Klasuar in German and I wrote it in German! It was really bad and I told people that and they asked me what language I wrote it in and I said "German"?? Apparently I could've written it in English!!! I just don't remember the teacher telling me this! But alles gut!! At least my grades don't matter!

I hope everyone enjoyed my long boring post! I'll do a seperate post for pictures but I still have to post those on facebook...


  1. Hahaha, thanks Reed (: I do try & keep up with all the exchange students blogs!

  2. I am glad you had fun Reed, but I do think there is a big disadvantage in visiting these trips with 100 other exchange students. Although it's a lot of fun to hang out with them, you don't get to truly "see" the places you visit. I completely disagree with your assessment that Paris is a dirty, tourist town. You were there for all of 4-5 days and saw not even 1/100th of what there is to see in Paris. Paris is a huge city with so many different layers. Maybe someday you and I can go back and I can show you around and you can experience la vie en Paris.

    Oh and I can't wait to tell Uncle Tony that you thought the Palace of Versailles was boring. OMG it must have been the lack of sleep for you to think that. It's one of the most beautiful, architectural designs in all of Europe. Did you not go in the Hall of Mirrors? Did you not have a tour guide telling you about the history? Oh blimy.

    I am glad that you enjoyed German language school and certain that your language skills are improving greatly. Also I'm happy to see that you are realizing that the US school system is crap and unfortuately our youth and adults are way behind other countries.

  3. Glad you had fun and that you are back in Berlin safely. I looked at all the pictures and they are very nice. You must have been very tired when you got back because it seems like you were on the go all the time. Got my new car yesterday and it is very nice. You will like driving it.

  4. Compared to Berlin it is very dirty! I really appreciate berlin even more now. you need to come here and see how nice it is. maybe its not as pretty but its a lot cleaner and extremely safe! I like berlin more than paris.

    And does it become mine when i come back??

  5. Oh and forgive my spelling mistake in "unfortunately" above (forgot the 2nd n),since I'm often hounding your for your spelling, haha. I should have been more careful.

  6. reed,
    Im gonna miss you newbie.


  7. Berlin is clean?
    Im Gegensatz zu anderen deutschen Städten ist Berlin schmuddelig.

  8. Giulia your my favorite oldie!! Im gonna miss you!

    und wer bist du?? Berlin is very clean! it is definitely cleaner than Paris...I still loved Paris and all, but I love Berlin more! that's all im getting at here.
