Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well it has been about 2 weeks since my last blog post, and in all honesty it hasn't really been all that exciting. I've just been living life. I also hate titles for my blog posts! I can never think of one!!! So I figured that Herbst would just work, because it means fall in German, and well, it is definetely fall here!!

Well over the past two weeks nothing exciting has happened, once again! School is school, I still don't completely understand it, but it is getting better. I did however, not get the highest grade in my English class! Apparently, "I don't care or raise my hand enough!" but in what way would that actually benefit me, or help anyone else? I contribute by correcting people, and the teacher very often because she constantly asks for the correction, but it's not good enough! At least my grades don't matter here....

Also, I have take every single test in school. Which actually I don't mind doing. There is really no reason not to, and it's not like I can go home or anything, so I just take the tests, and normally get a 5, which is good because it means that I didn't fail! I have never actually failed a test here! But at the same time, it's a lot easier because all I have to do is get like a 9 percent to pass. So I actually only get like 20 percents, but that is fine with me! And on the presentation that me and my partner had to give over the German author, Sebastian Fitzek, we received a 2! which is like a B. All that I had to do was stand up in front of the class and read some entries in German! Which didn't really go well because I shake excessivly when I hold stuff in front of me for too long!! It really sucks and it's embarassing, but it helps me to realize how much I love Germans! Even though I looked like a fool, everyone still says "good job" and they don't really bring it up. In American school, whenever I would do that, people wouldn't let it go, even though it's something I can't help! I just love Germany more and more everyday.

They past two weeks have been really fun too! Last weekend I went to my friend Garrett's, in Eberwalde, and it was really cool because it so different! He lives in a small town, where people actually know him! Here, nobody knows me, and as much as I love Berlin and I love Big city life, I do still miss small town life, and I miss being able to walk around and saying "hi" to people that actually know me. But I do still love it here! Anyways, he went to some party in the park, and I got to meet a lot of new people, and I suprisingly spoke almost all German with them! It's tough because they all know English, so everyone wants to speak English, and generally when that happens I just start speaking English without even realizing it. I look forward to the day that no one realizes that I'm American. I hope that that day comes soon!

This weekend I had no school Friday, because my class did extra things during the week to have this day off. We took a class trip to see Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich (Despicable me) and it was sooo good because I understood everything that went on! I'm begginning to love kids books and movies, they really raise my self-esteem! We also had to watch Effi Briest, and that was another culture shock moment! It turns out that in German schooling it is ok for the movie to have sex or even just talk about it sex. It hardly even phased anyone either! It's just normal here. But anyway, because of this we had Friday off! So me and two girls from school went shopping becuase I need to look more European! and I'm glad too!

Saturday, we celebrated my friend Garrett's Birthday in Berlin. We just sort of hung out all day, and it's a lot of fun! No matter how many times I've seen or done things in Berlin, it really never gets old! Things aren't as exciting as the first time, but it will never be old, I can guarantee that...But I just want to say that I absolutely love Berlin! I don't know how common it is that exchange students get the big cities, but I am extremely thankful that I did! It is an absolutely mind blowing experience, and I am so glad for it! I still miss home, but at the same time I already feel like Berlin could of been my true home all along....

O yea! Paris is in less than 2 weeks now!! Also, I am officially on break for the next 2 weeks! Only problem is that everyday I have a langauge school so I won't get to sleep in, but it will defintely be worth it! I plan on posting a video a week from Monday, for my 2 month Anniversary here! But no promises!

Bis bald!


  1. hold on, is that you?
    cuteeeee (:

  2. Great update. I love hearing about all of your adventures at school, in Berlin, and in other towns. I felt the same way in Madrid as you feel in Berlin. I could move back there tomorrow. Keep soaking it all up Reed! Oh and love the new European outfit! Vaya moda!

  3. Love your new duds Reed! You look very cool and very German!!! Have fun in Paris and post lots of pictures. Love you, Grandma
