Monday, November 22, 2010

Kein Internet?!?!?

Well for the past 2 weeks I haven't really had internet. But this suprisingly hasn't really been all that difficult on me. It sucks because I can't be updated on things going on with the other exchange students or people back home, or I also can't post blogs or anything. But everything has been suprisingly fine without it! I've probably learned more German in the past 2 weeks than I have in this whole time being here, and I've been enjoying my school and my friends from school a lot more. But because of the lack of internet, it's time for another long boring post....

I'm trying to remember what important has been going on over these past couple of weeks now. Well first off my German teacher in school is sick, so I don't have German until next year, and that means only 3 classes total on Tuesdays because I have German for 3 hours that day. But last week I still had to work a grill at our school for German class because we need money for these books that we make at the end of the year. But it was pretty amazing because I got to eat so much German food!! But school really hasn't been too special other than that, I've written an exam for almost every class now. Generally they aren't too good, but I've been avoiding using my dictionary but that usually doesn't work.

Two weeks ago me and the other exchange students went to a concentration camp called Sachsenhausen, it's just a little north of Berlin. It was a very good and interesting experience, but I definitely want to go back by myself or with one or two other people, because it's sometimes hard to focus when you're with the other exchange students, it's too much fun. But it was still nice, and afterwards we grabbed some Mexican food and then hung out for Ago's last weekend in Berlin.

Then the following Monday, some of us went to the airport to say goodbye to Ago. It was so weird because the last time I was there was when I had arrived, and Ago was there to greet me! But I still wasn't too sad. It was very upsetting, but I guess I really never got to know her all that well. So far 3 of the oldies are gone, and there are still 4 left. I think that it'll be much tougher with the next 4, especially because we get so much more time to know them, unlike the first 3 in which we had only 2 months! I still really don't look forward to leaving, and I try not to think about it. But when I hear about all these people leaving, it's sometimes tough not to...

This past weekend me and my host family went to Sachsan-Anhalt again, to celebrate my Host Mom's father-in-law's birthday. I love it because we just ate authentic German food all day, and generally I can only speak German because many of the elderly people never learned English, and suprisingly my German knowledge is better than their English knowledge. So it's always interesting. And there was also a German comedy group there, and I understood most of it. So overall, it was a pretty good day!

Today I left school early to go get my Visa with my YEO and it ended up not going so well. He told me that he already talked to my club about a new family, and there are a few people interested. So this week I should have an official answer on where I'm staying. But anyway, after getting lost we finally found the place on time. We got in, got everything approved, and got my Visa for free! And then we walked literally 100 feet to the car, and I got in the car and realized my passport wasn't where I left it! So we walked back to where we had the meeting, and didn't find it. So the lady is going to call me in 2 days and tell me if they have it, or if not, she's going to help me get a new one! So hopefully eveything works out, and it is with someone that is good! I'll keep everyone updated on what happens, hopefully I have internet!

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