Sunday, November 7, 2010

A year ago....

A year ago today, I was accepted into Rotary and sense then, I have changed tremendously! And in all honesty, I think for the better...I think the major thing is, I'm alot more openminded now! I'm just happier here! And I think that this will actually come back with me. Germany has changed me overall and not just in Germany, but forever...and I love that I still have so much more time left here!

But anyway, a year ago today I had my interviews, met a few of my future outbound friends, changed my mind about where I was going, and most accepted into Rotary!!

I'm not going to go into details about the interviews and stuff, they went very smoothly! Before them I wanted to go to a Spanish speaking country because my aunt is fluent and she was the one that really originally wanted me to go. Then for some reason at the conference, I wanted to go to Belgium, but then I decided I just wanted to go to Europe!

And look where I ended Berlin!!! So I'm happy that I changed my mind! If I hadn't then I don't think that I would be this happy! It's hard to say, but I am just glad that I'm here, and right now, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Hm, well I've been sort of busy lately. I feel bad because I promised a video post, and pictures from Paris! and I never did either. Maybe I'll get around to that someday. But not today either.

School was actually very good since I returned! I miss all the exchange students but I've been enjoying it. I also got my report card back. I had no 1's(a.k.a. A's!)!! I got a 2+ in English. I think I already shared why, but it's because I don't participate enough, but I never really saw a reason to because it takes away from the others. But it's ok because it doesn't even matter. Then I got 2's in Art and Gym and the rest was either a 4, 5 or no grade at all! I was also late for my first class because the bus decided not to come! But that wasn't really a problem because it's the teacher that doesn't know I exist.

This past weekend was great! It was my friend's birthday Friday and then Saturday we just hung out in Berlin because one of the exchange students is going home because his club failed to find him a new family! This makes no sense at all! Well he is still here and still might be here, I'm hoping things turn around, be we hung out, just in case!

Next weekend we're going to a concentration camp with Rotary. It should be interesting and I hope everyone is there! And I'll try posting after that!


  1. Yes a lot has happened in a year Reed! I'm so glad you are enjoying your year abroad and can see how much it has changed you already. The world has so much to offer and I hope this year in Germany turns you into a travel bug. Wow, what a bummer about the kid that has to go home, that makes no sense at all.

  2. How come Aunt Kelly and I are the only ones who make comments on here? Come on Emma, Blaire and Kerry. How about reading about Reeds exciting time in Berlin and letting him know you are reading his blog. Reed, I am so happy for you and look forward to hearing all about your time in Berlin. Love you, Grandma
