Friday, November 26, 2010

First Snow!!

Well incase you didn't notice....there is officially snow on the ground in Germany!!!! It snowed a little bit earlier this week, but I woke up this morning, looked out the windown, and there is what else, other than finally some legit snow on the ground in Berlin!! And it hasn't stop snowing since!!
Other than that, I have to fill you all in on the events of my week! Well like I said, it snowed earlier this week, and I also managed to get my Passport back! It was very complicated, but it is officially back into my possesion! I don't want to go into detail, but the school actually had to get involved with this one! But all that matters is that all is well! I also skyped with my family yesterday because it was thanksgiving! It was so nice because I haven't talk to my Grandpa, my aunt, or my cousins since I've left. So it was so nice, but at the same time, I finally felt a little homesick, which makes me officially not too excited for Christmas.
But nonetheless, I'm going to a Christmas festival, just outside the local mall in Berlin! I'm going with some people from my class, and I guess there was a bomb found there, or something like that. But I'm still going to go! There is too many threats, so basically no place in Berlin is safer than the next. So I'm just going to enjoy my time here, and not let them get in my way!


  1. Great pictures of the snow Reed. It will be snowing here soon, it already is up north at the cabin. Your mom told me the story of the passport - LOL. At least you have it back. Like I said on Facebook, just try to embrace all of the Christmas traditions of Germany. Then you can tell us all about them.

  2. Glad you got to talk to some of us on Thanksgiving! Sorry I missed you. The snow looks pretty but I am not looking forward to having it on the roads. If only it would stay in the grass. This year will go by faster than you think, so enjoy every minute of it.

  3. We have had so much snow since nov 7th! I am actually tired of it, and I typically never get tired of it! Even though we get a lot in Michigan.
    a) we dont get it nov 7th and it STAY
    b) we don't walk everywhere like these europeans D:
