Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bad Saarow

Bad Saarow....THE BEST ORIENTATION SO FAR!!! I still don't get why it was there...but here is a little recap of what went down...

On Friday I went to school, then had to run back to my house and ended up meeting one of my host sisters on the tram and it was the most we had talked in a long time! Then we went home together and I grabbed my stuff and headed out again. I rode with the bus to Fürstenwalde and meet up with the other exchange students who were waiting for the bust to Bad Saarow. It took us about 10 or 15 minutes to leave because we had so many people and the bust driver was frustrated with us! Apparently the first bus driver refused half the group, which is why my group was so big!!

We all made it there on time and the just ate dinner and waited for the other district to show up. This conference was a combination of two districts...1940, which is my district and most of Berlin, Brandenburg, and ever a little north of Brandenburg...and the other district was 1890 which is Hamburg and others regions near Denmark.

The got there at 8 and they were all right. We never really clicked with all of them, just a few like some of the ones that we flew with from Philly to Frankfurt. But we still chilled with them that night, and it was very fun and relaxing night because Rotary let us throw a party for one of the girl's Birthday!

The next day we headed to Berlin. It sort of sucked that we had to go to Berlin and that we didn't get to go some place new, but we still got to visit places like were Valkyrie took place, and we also got to go in the Reichstag!! It is very interesting how relaxed they are compared to the U.S. This is the equivalent to our Capital Building, but practically anyone can go in if they have an appointment. It was better a couple months ago, but now with terrorist threats, it's appoinments only!
It was sort of boring at first. Some lady explained for an hour about the history of Reichstag and normally what I would do was translate for one of the newbies what she said because it makes it more fun, but I was in the front row so I could sleep or do anything! But afterward we got to go in the big dom and see over the entire city! Berlin is really an amazing city!
After Reichstag, we had a city bus tour, so I just said with other Berlin people and we just talked and didn't really pay attention too much. We did have to get out to see the Berlin wall, but I had never seen this part before, and it was amazing to see.
After Berlin, we went back to Bad Saarow, ate some cold dinner, then we did our country presentations. We sang the national anthem and then talked about the superbowl for our presentation. It was probably one of the boring ones, especially because the person who explained it didn't make any sense, but it think it was somewhat funny. The other presentations went well too, and it's very interessting because everyone had to include music, and just the different types of music are so cool!

Then we had a little bit of time, and they set up for the dance. I went to a friends room and just talked about we completely missed the pin exchange, so I missed out on a lot for my jacket! But I still passed out what I had and then we headed for the dance. It was alright, but I left after the first 10 minutes and we just chilled. Rotary didn't really care what we did, so we all hung out the whole night and went to bed about 3. But it was possibly one of the best nights ever with my district! I finally feel really close with everyone, and it isn't the English speakers and Spanish speaks anymore. It's officially everyone together now!!

We have all grown so much in the past 6 months. We all can communicate with eachother in German, and we are all a lot more mature. This weekend was absolutely incredible and I really look forward to Eurotour with everyone. 18 days together will be a great time, and it will be amazing see Europe!! I don't regret not getting to know the other district so well because the fact that were clicky with lots of small groups, made it really difficult on all of us, and it then end that is what helped us come together! From all the districts I've met, I can honestly say that district 1940 in the best in Germany! I wouldn't want to be in anyother district!!
Also, while we were discussing Eurotour today, they came in and said that 200 Euros worth of alcohol was taken from the liquor cabinet...I'm sure that the other district had fun paying for that one!! ^^

Other news...I payed for my Holland trip and it's from May 30th to June 5th with my class on a boat, and I also replied to my Travel Agent and I plan to be home for the 4th of July....time is really ticking...


  1. i love the pictures of the cool glass building thing.

    we talked about you in spanish today. cause i had to tell the class that everyone in germany expected you to be fat. all they think we eat is hamburgers and french fries. hahah

  2. Glad you had fun even though it was in Berlin. It's also so rewarding to see you recognize the growth you have and are experiencing. You make your aunt Kelly so proud!

  3. Bad Saarow is a beautiful place to stay! You must be having a great time! And Berlin has so much to see and do that I don't think you can ever go too often!
