Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Farwell Conference

Well, this weekend I went to another Rotary Conference in Fingal, Canada. It was a lot better than the last one because I already knew all the outbounds, plus all the inbounds were there too! There were 3 German Inbounds there, and two Rotex, so Emily(girl going to Germany) and I received a lot of help. We also had a lot of class stuff, but it definitely was a lot more fun stuff compared to last time. We didn't have to do a mandatory talent show, which was a relief, so fortunately only real talented people preformed. After that, we had a bonfire, which was a lot of fun. One of the only real downsides to this weekend was the fact that our parents had to come on Sunday. People definitely aren't as enjoyable around their parents. But hopefully they learned a lot this weekend. I know that I actually got a lot out of it. I am a lot more excited after this weekend to leave for Germany.

I still don't know anything about where I'm going. My dad talked to my outbound coordinator and she said that she will try to find something out, but my country correspondent is apparently the most difficult. Also, the other girl going to Germany found out, and she is 20 minutes away from Jannek, one of the inbounds. That is really exciting, but it is a huge bummer when they are getting all excited, and I'm just sitting there wishing I knew at least my district. But once again, what can you do? Eventually I will find out. I still check my email 24-7 and I check the mail everyday hoping that something has arrived. But still nothing. At least I'm not going to Thailand, because they just found out this weekend that they can't even go there because of the war in Bangkok. So they are going to get completely new countries this week. So I can at least be thankful for that.

I will make sure to update my blog when I find out something new, hopefully that is soon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun weekend Reed, but LOL on your comments about the parents. haha!
