Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two Weeks!!!

Well tomorrow I will have been here for 2 weeks! I would've posted this tomorrow, but I go out of school 4 hours early because my German teacher wasn't here and everyone else still had school, so I figured I would blog.

It really feels like I've been here way longer that 2 weeks. But I've noticed that it has started to get going a lot faster. I know am very comfortable in school. If a random person talks to me and I don't understand, I don't look for my host mom or any of my friends, I will just tell them that I don't understand and why. I guess I just feel comfortable here. It doesn't really feel like a foreign country. I am definitely used to German, I just don't understand it. I think next week or soon I start language classes, which would really help!

I finally got to see most of the people I flew with. It was a lot of fun and so random. We were all supposed to meet at 10, except for Sierra, and we were going to meet her at 3. But I showed up at 10, then Adrian and her sisters showed up, but Guillermo never showed up! So we called his house and after an hour of waiting we left. We went, got food, look at some things, and shopped. We ended up going back at 3 and there was Guillermo ready to leave! It was the funniest thing! So then we went up met Sierra and we were on our way! We just sort of ended up places. We really didn't know anything. It is a lot more fun that way! I really can't wait to meet the rest of the exchange students either. I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun, and hopefully it is next weekend. But if not, we will be meeting up in Neuruppin at the end of September, which seems really far away.

Well, after 2 weeks I've actually lost 10 pounds! But I think that I'm going to gain it back now that I've got my appetite back. My favorite drink here is fanta! I know we have it in the U.S. but it's definitely not as common. I also love this one Turkish food, but I don't remember the name. But it is amazing, but I can only find it in one place, only in the mornings, and I'm never hungry in the morning!
Also, sorry about the spelling! My spellcheck is in German, so practically every word is wrong...


  1. Nice picture. I was wondering if you were going to have German language classes so you could learn proper grammar. Hopefully the teacher shows up next time.

    10 pounds lost? Hope you start eating soon!

    One word that you keep spelling wrong = definitely. You keep spelling it definately (even in your About Me section). I'm happy to be your spell checker. :)

  2. The teacher didn't show up to school German class. So it is different, and I hope that she doesn't show up because that means time off of school! But I hope when I take the learning German class that the teacher is always there!

    I'll try, but I'm not hungry, but it has definately improved. I eat bread and meat often!

    and thanks! I'll try to remember, but that is a word that I will always mix up...

  3. is it Döner!?!?!?!

