Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Step...

Well, it's been about 2 weeks or so since my last blog post because I still haven't really had internet. Well in the past 2 weeks, it has been practically snowing non-stop! It has been extremely nice, but at the same time, very annoying! If we had this much snow in Michigan then school would have been canceled everyday. Here, you have school, you're just late, and generally your teachers are too. The only time they cancel school is when there is ice, or when it is -25°C. But I still haven't figured out how you actually learn these things, because they don't broadcast that on t.v., and the only place you know if teachers aren't there is on a board at school!

Also in the past 2 weeks, I got to go to my very first Weinachtsmarkt(Christmas festival), with some people from school. It was huge! and while there I got to try legit German Christmas foods and drinks and got to participate in German traditions.......and we also did not get killed by it was a pretty successful night! Then after that, I went to a party with my host brother and got to meet all of his friends, including my new host sister, but I didn't know that night....

Last weekend I got to see Berlin in winter! I love how much Berlin gets into Christmas!

Then the next day, I got to go with some friends from school Eislaufen(ice skating)! Then I headed back early to spend my last Saturday night with my host mom....

On Monday(the 6th of December), there is a tradtion called Nikolaus. What's supposed to happen is that kids wash their shoes the night before, and the St. Nikolaus puts candy in your shoes while you are sleeping. I didn't have any idea about this, but I woke up the next day with candy in my shoes! Then some people from school had to explain it to me. changing family news! Well my host brother came home from school last week and told me he knew my new host sister. She is the best friend from his girlfriend, and so he is always around her too. But he didn't really have too much info on my new family. Then last friday, my YEO called my host mom and said that I would be switching this Friday. He only mentioned that I will no longer be living in Berlin, and that if I wanted I could switch schools. So basically I have no idea what's going on anymore. In 2 days I switch families to a family that I have very little info on. From the sounds of it, I will be living with 3 host sisters about my age, and I have 2 more older host siblings. I now will be living in Schöneiche, Brandenburg. It's a little town right next to where I live in Berlin, I actually get off at the same station when I go around the city, but now I also have to take the bus about 6 more stations. So my already 35 minute ride school, turned into an hour or more, so I am just going to wait and see. I'm going to suck it up until the holidays begin, and make my decision then. I will make sure to fill everyone in on what's going on, because in all honesty, I still have no idea! But I will find out forsure more on Friday....

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the German Christmas traditions Reed! I look forward to hearing more about them. Best wishes with your change of family. Just remember to go with the flow and everything will be alright. Love and miss you!
