Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another First Day?!?!?

Well yesterday I had my first day at my new school. But in all honesty I though that switching wasn't going to work out, and that I was just going to go back to Anna-Seghers when the break was over. But yesterday morning, my host mom comes into my room at 8 and says that I have to go to school because she had just got off the phone with my principle, and they had found me a spot in the 10th grade. So I got ready, my host dad drove me, and I was 30 minutes early, so I just walked around. Then at 10, I met him and he was pretty nice. But I guess he was just being nice to me, and normally he's not like that. But that's what they always tell me about the teachers.

My first class was fortunately english! They were all waiting for me, and they had little short things to read about themselves. It was nice, but I had to sit there and nod, and say something everytime, and I honestly didn't remember one name!! I suck with names, but everyone knows me! I feel guilty, but it's one thing I'll never be good at!

After English was math, and we just sat there and had a mini party with bread and nutella, and they all told me how impressed they were with my German. They had no idea that I knew any at first, but then I said that I could speak German, and since then it was all German!

But the day was relatively short, and I'm glad that I went! I will miss Anna-Seghers, like I already said, but I really enjoy my new school. The people were so welcoming, and they really help me out and made sure that I understand. I still don't know if I made the right decision or not to switch, but I will be able to tell with time. And I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it over break!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it will be fine Reeder. They sound like they are very excited to have an exchange student and so welcoming. You'll make friends fast I'm certain. Uncle Tony and I are heading home from Chicago today. We are both off for 10 days for Chrismtas/New Years. Love you!
