Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Beginning of Another Step...

Well I would of posted sooner, but suprisingly enough the internet hasn't been working at my new house either. But it's finally up and running again.

Well, everything has been going well! Last Friday I finished getting packed, and then I drove with my host mom and my host brother to my new family in Schöneich bei Berlin, Brandenburg. It's a nice little town with about 10,000 people, just outside of Berlin, and it really reminds me of Marysville. I live in this mini community of people that have been living together for about 15 years now, and it is very friendly(as I was typing this some lady walked in the door and asked for rice, haha). But it was still very sad leaving my host mom because she was all that I knew before I came to Berlin. But my new family was very welcoming. When I got here my host mom was waiting with my older host sister and my younger host sister. But my older host sister left for work and then I sat down with my host mom and host sister and had cookies and drank tea. I learned pretty much everything I needed to know. I have 4 other siblings, one is the twin from my little host sister and then 3 others not living in the house. The 3 of them were all on exchanges in English speaking places and my older host sister that still lives in the house just got back from Argentina. So it is a very big family, which I sort of missed.

That night I went grocery shopping, and met my host dad and practically the entire town. Reminds me a lot of when we go to Meijer and we meet the whole town of Marysville. Then afterwards we went to meet my other little host sister at their Grandma's house, and we ate some amazing German food. Like always with German grandparents. Then Saturday I just hung around the house and then a later me and one of my host sisters went to a concert from a local band. And on Sunday we drove somewhere near Poland and got a few Christmas trees. It was sort of a crappy day because it had rained so the snow was brown and all melted. But the weekend was a lot of fun.

I live a ways away from my school now. I got lucky because Monday and Tuesday my host dad drove me a little bit so that I could avoid taking the first tram. But today I had to take one tram a little of the way and then I had to switch and I was almost late for school. Which didn't even end up occuring today! It was very complicated yesterday and today with school. And total in the past 2 days I've had 2 classes. As much as I enjoy not having school, I'm ready to actually learn something, and I think that I'm actually going to switch schools. Right now I go to a Gesamptschüle which is like the school I want to go to, but a little easier. The school that I'm switching to is a Gymnasium, and it is also close to where I live. It'll suck leaving this school, but I'm sort of ready to switch schools at the same time. I would be switching after Christmas, but I still need to talk to my YEO and see if that'll work out.

Somethings to look forward to now are that Christmas break begins next week on Wednesday and starting tomorrow is only half days. This weekend is our Rotary Christmas party in Potsdam and that should be a lot of fun! Like it always is with exchange students. Then I also have 3 days of Christmas to look forward to, unlike the American one day of Christmas, and then New Years in Berlin!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are doing well Reed. It sounds like you will fit in well with this family which makes me very very happy! However, I miss you very much. Mom
