Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Day...

Today was my official last day at Anna-Seghers-Schule. Going into the day, I had no idea! But in the first hour, one of our teachers told our class that our head teacher wasn't there, and her back-up was also not going to be there. So we only have the first 2 hours and then get to go home. The problem is that I don't have the first two hours. So I just don't have school in general. So the day was sort of sad from that point on. I only had a 3 hour day, and no one knew that I didn't have school the next, so no one realized that it was my last day.

In Chemistry, me and one of my good friends past notes like we often do. They don't text like in America, just good old fashion notes. It was nice because we've been doing that ever since the first time I've had Chemistry there, and I didn't realize today how much it has drastically changed. The first time it was only in English, and then I realized today that it was only German, but the best part was that I wasn't even thinking! So many things have changed the past 4 months at this school. They have really helped me to learn Geman, and didn't ignore me because I didn't know German. This school has just been great to me, all the students and the teachers. It may not be the top school in Germany, but I am truely going to miss it. I feel like I am abandoing this school, because in the end, it was ultimately my decision to switch, and I couldn't even admit that to my friends. This is one of the worst days I've had all year, and now I still have all of Christmas break to think about it. Anna-Seghers...

Ich werde dich wirklich Vermissen!!
This may be one of the worst pictures in the world, but it'll always be special to me...


  1. Hopefully you can keep in touch with the friends you made there at school. I know it's sad to have to say goodbye, but now just focus on enjoying the holidays and then in January you can check out the new school. I'm sure you'll make a lot of new friends there as well.

  2. It's really hard to read though with the background. Wir werden so gut feiern am Sylvester!
