Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two Weeks!!!

Well tomorrow I will have been here for 2 weeks! I would've posted this tomorrow, but I go out of school 4 hours early because my German teacher wasn't here and everyone else still had school, so I figured I would blog.

It really feels like I've been here way longer that 2 weeks. But I've noticed that it has started to get going a lot faster. I know am very comfortable in school. If a random person talks to me and I don't understand, I don't look for my host mom or any of my friends, I will just tell them that I don't understand and why. I guess I just feel comfortable here. It doesn't really feel like a foreign country. I am definitely used to German, I just don't understand it. I think next week or soon I start language classes, which would really help!

I finally got to see most of the people I flew with. It was a lot of fun and so random. We were all supposed to meet at 10, except for Sierra, and we were going to meet her at 3. But I showed up at 10, then Adrian and her sisters showed up, but Guillermo never showed up! So we called his house and after an hour of waiting we left. We went, got food, look at some things, and shopped. We ended up going back at 3 and there was Guillermo ready to leave! It was the funniest thing! So then we went up met Sierra and we were on our way! We just sort of ended up places. We really didn't know anything. It is a lot more fun that way! I really can't wait to meet the rest of the exchange students either. I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun, and hopefully it is next weekend. But if not, we will be meeting up in Neuruppin at the end of September, which seems really far away.

Well, after 2 weeks I've actually lost 10 pounds! But I think that I'm going to gain it back now that I've got my appetite back. My favorite drink here is fanta! I know we have it in the U.S. but it's definitely not as common. I also love this one Turkish food, but I don't remember the name. But it is amazing, but I can only find it in one place, only in the mornings, and I'm never hungry in the morning!
Also, sorry about the spelling! My spellcheck is in German, so practically every word is wrong...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Just a little update....

Well everything has been going great! I have my little group at school, and for the most part the teachers are cutting me some slack. I managed to figure out the classes, and you stay with a group all day, so I don't get lost. Only once did I end up in the wrong class room and it ended up being the principal! She doesn't really like me anymore...she is the only teacher that won't help me out, or let others help me, and of course she teaches math. If we didn't have to do word problems it would make sense, but of course it isn't that simple. I can't even do the homework she assigned! I assumed that the principal would be the person going around telling the teachers all about how they need to go easy on me, but it's not like that at all! Wow! I really didn't even realize how irritated I was!

Well other than that everything has been going well. Everyone in school is so nice. Now that I actually had time to talk to people I did. There is like 20 people in the class, and everyone is in their own little groups. But everyone will still talk to everyone. I still haven't done anything with anyone in the class, I think I'm doing stuff with some people next week. This weekend I'm meeting up with my one friend that I flew with here, and hopefully Leon. We're going to try to get around Berlin and it should be interesting because all we had was one experince there. It's actually sort of difficult to get lost in Berlin because there is always some form of transportation within 50 feet of you, and it will say where you are at. Also, on Monday, I am finally applying for my visa. I have to get there myself, and the U.S. embassy is in the same place where I am meeting my friends, so it would be the best time to get lost! Then next weekend I believe that we are going to have our first Exchange party, and it should be a lot of fun! I'm excited to see everyone again, and meet a bunch of new people!

I've only been here like 1 1/2 weeks, but it feels like much longer. But that is definitely not a bad thing. I am already used to Berlin, and it doesn't feel like I'm even in a forgein country. I'm used to German, but I'm still not used to not being able to understand. A group of little kids think it's funny that I don't understand, but that doesn't really bother me at all! I've already gotten a few questions for being American, of course I got asked if I like Obama and then a little Arabic boy asked me if I hated him because he's Muslim. It's very interesting what people think about Americans, but it doesn't bother me at all. I'm still proud to American.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School!

I have posted a lot lately, hopefully this one is short. Well I had my first day of school today....and it went really well! I did end up going by myself today, which was fine. I made it to the Tram and got on it without any other problems. I didn't talk to anyone on the tram becasue I was nervous. A big group of students got off at one stop, so I was worried that that was mine, but I decided to just stay on. I finally got to my stop and I followed some girl because I forgot how to get there. I think she was a little creeped out because she realized that I was following her. But I didn't know how to say what I wanted to tell her in German, so I just kept following her. I got to the school and I'm pretty sure every student and teacher were smoking. So I just went in, went to the secretary's office because it was open. Then she took me to the lady incharge of the 11th grade class, and she took me to where I needed to be. I only had to say like 2 words in German and they knew what I meant. So I just sat through the little introduction, and then my homeroom teacher called off our names. So I got up to follow her and they pulled me and another student aside. He had been an exchange student last year in the U.S. So we talked a little bit and he lived in Michigan! How weird is that?? I sat with him and a few other students who helped me fill out everything. I'm pretty sure that the students were mocking the teacher because everytime someone asked a question the class would laugh, and also no one knew what was going on. So everyone just went and saw the lady incharge of our grade after class which only lasted for about an hour. They had the former exchange student help me out, but he was new to the school too, so he had no clue what's going on. But it wasn't too bad, tomorrow is a full day, me and the one kid have like every class together, so we will be meeting new people together. I need to figure out the menu. They gave me a list and he couldn't even figure it out in English. But I'm sure everything will work out...

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well, for yesterday and today we were in Saxony-Anhalt. I can't remeber the name of the towns, but it is the home for everyone in my family. We went to my host mom's parent's house for her mom and dad's birthday. At first it was sort of awkward because I just said hi to everyone and then just sat down for a while. I was sort of nervous to talk because if my German failed me, I didn't know if I could rely on English. My host mom's sister talked to me a little bit, and then some older couple that had lived in the U.S. and Canada a bit, but that was it at first. A tradition that I thought was weird was that we got there and had cake, which was amazing! We didn't sing or anything like in America, just had a toast and then ate.

After that we went outside and my host mom's brother-in-law and his dad started playing there instruments. They played Yankee Doodle and then they made me join in and sing other American songs, and of course I knew all of them...but it turned out to be a lot of fun, I even got to play the accordion. Then we walked to dinner, which was a lot of fun too. One lady made a reference that even though this is a short distance, in America we wouldn't have walked. But I didn't mind because it was true, it was about a half mile and we would have driven.

While there we had a buffet dinner, unfortunately there was no schnitzel. But it was still really good, and I finally got to use my European dinner ediqute, which turned out to be better than most peoples, which was a huge relief because it was really uncomfortable. Dinner was fun too, because my host mom would tell me things in German and then she would ask what it was in English. I've been asking a lot more questions lately which has really helped!

We walked back, and the same lady that had said the stuff earlier was speaking to me in German, and I was responding. It doesn't feel like I've even learned anything here, but now I can understand people way better, and I can normally respond, even if it is just yes or no. People finally began speaking to me in German too.

We hung out a little bit at her parent's house. I got to try a few different drinks, and then we were off again to the festival. Every state in Germany has their own day or weekend. Saxony-Anhalt's day just happened to occure while I was there. Me, my host family, and my host mom's sister's family all went. But when we got there, me, my host brother, and his cousin all left. The festival was pretty cool, but we wanted to go the little party thing instead. It was sort of like a club, but it was outside and they let 16 years olds in. When I showed the guard my I.D. he just laughed becasue it was American, but it doesn't really bother me.

We got in, hung out until about 3 and then we were done for the night. Me and Hannes went back to his other grandparents and it was a really nice house too! There was a sauna in the room that we stayed in! But it was 3 so I was ready to pass out. I did watch some t.v. real quick and it was my first experience with late night European Television....It was a very interesting night.

Of course, the next day wasn't as exciting. We got up at about 10, then we had lunch before noon. It was very good, but I was not hungry at all! Then we said our good byes and we were off for the last time.

Well tomorrow is the start of school! I am extremely nervous especially because I think Berlin accents are much more difficult to understand. I get to sleep in tomorrow because my school doesn't start until 10! But I must ride my bike to the tram station, then take the tram until the end which is about 35 minutes, then I have to walk a few blocks. I think that my host mom is going to meet me there, but she wants me to figure it out the first day, especially because we have gone over it. My YEO and my counselor are going to be there as well. It should be an interesting day...

Friday, August 20, 2010

I Made It!

Well I figured I should probably post something now that it's been 3 days. I'm going to start back on Tuesday, which seems like forever ago! Well I got up Tuesday, got everything packed, and then went to 4-star with my family. It was really nice, but I only almost cried when I hugged my dad. Then I left, got my things, said bye to my cousins, and I was off to the airport. The car ride wasn't that sad either, it was moslty just nice and relaxing. When we got to the airport I was told that I could get on the earlier flight, but Serenity got there sort of late, so we had to wait. We finally said our good-byes and headed through security at noon. My stuff was searched because of my pins and the soaps for families. We got through security, and then waited for about a half hour, then we were off to Philly. The flight was nice and short. The flight attendent just seemed really angry at first, but she turned out to be fine. The lady next to me was really nice, and she gave me 2 silly-bandz. We got off the flight and then met up with another exchange student who had been waiting for a few minutes. I ended up leaving to get food, I ran into another exchange student who was going to Belgium, I invited him to join us, but he never showed up. Eventually a big group of students came. It was soooo much fun! After 5 hours we got on our plane to Frankfurt, and then when we got there we all got seperated.
Only 6 of us were going to Berlin. Three of us already had our tickets, so we went to customs, which was almost too easy. All he did was ask for my final destination, and then I was on my way. We went to a few stores, we also experienced our first bit of culture shock when we saw a section of nude books. We eventually went through security where the group of us met up again. I got searched once again, but this guy was a bit stranger, and he had me unwrap the stuff. After that we met up with some nice lady from Thailand, who gave us all pins. Then we headed to our gate. From there we left for Berlin! It was very sad leaving everyone, but at least the 6 of us get to see eachother. All of our luggage made it, and went out and met our host families. My host mom and older brother were waiting for me. I also said hi to Leon and some inbound students from South America who came there to meet me. Then I left for my new home. I was very confused at first. I liked it but at the same time I already wanted to leave because I was extremely tired, and I just wanted some comfort. I got home and unpacked, and from there I started to feel much better. Then me and my family had dinner, and eveything was turing out to be fine! My host family is extremely nice. After dinner, Hannes had me go with him to his friends where we watched A-Team in German. It was very confusing, and I was ready to pass out from Jet-Lag. I finally went home and got some rest!

The next day I got up, met my YEO and then I met up with my host mom's friend's daughter, who wanted to show me around Berlin. She was very nice, but talking with her was very difficult because she hardly knew English and I hardly know German. But her friend came and she knew perfect English. We went to the main part and saw all the good stuff in Berlin. It was actually a lot of fun traveling on the subways and the other things. Seeing Berlin was a lot of fun too. It was definitely the funnest thing that I had done so far.
Today wasn't very exciting. We went to the police station, so that I could get my alien card or whatever it is. Then I went to my school and got my schedule. It is so nice because the let me skip out on a lot of classes. I only have a full day on Thursday, and it is still a little shorter than American school. After that I got my Berlin transportation pass. Then I went home and didn't really do anything exciting.

I must say though, Germany is very different from the U.S., but similar at the same time. It is just one of those things that you would have to experience while you're here...

Monday, August 16, 2010


I seriously can't believe that I'm leaving tomorrow! It still hasn't really hit me either. I can't really sleep anymore, but that's only been going on for the past few days! But I am extremely excited! Yesterday was my going away party with my family, and it wasn't really all that sad, I think only two people cried, but it was really nice seeing everyone. Today I'm just getting ready, and later I think I'm going to the movies. It's not really going to be all that exciting of a last day here.

It also turns out that the two inbounds in Berlin that have already been there for a half year are meeting me at the airport! I was pretty excited when they told me that! I don't really think I'm doing anything exciting that day. But Thursday my host mom's friend's daughter wants to show me around Berlin, so that should be fun, and for the weekend I'm going to Saxony-Anhalt, because that is where my host mom's parents live. It should be very interesting. Then Monday I have school! I'm surprisingly excited now!

Well I hope everyone has a great year, and I will fill you all in when I get there!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Less than a week!

I leave for Berlin in 6 days now! It still seems really weird and I haven't really lost any sleep at all, and it just seems like time has been going faster. It really hasn't affected me at all. But it has been weird that about half of the people have already left. My host brother left for Argentina already too, so I won't get to meet him! But I think he's having an amazing time.

Well this week I've been hanging out with people everyday, because I didn't really have time to throw a party since I can't do anything this weekend. I think I'm going to try to do something Monday though. Sunday I have my family party, which will probably be the first time that I cry. I leave for the airport at 9:45 Tuesday morning, and my flight leaves for Philly at 1:33. There I meet up with like 30 exchange students, but like half of them head off to Brussels and Amsterdam. Then the rest of us go to Frankfurt, and then like 4 or 5 of us head to Berlin-Tegel! At Berlin, I think only my host mom will meet me, but also Leon will be there picking up his new brother! His is from California and I meet up with him in Philly. I just found that out and I was sooo excited!

Well I've got one bag packed, but I plan to finish the rest Monday because I need the rest of the clothes to wear. But I am pretty much done with everything else, and that is sooo relieving!

Only 7 more day until I'm there!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My and Safire's Article

Safire and I were in our local newspaper today for our departure, so here's the article...

Hopefully you are able to view! The pictures were not really the greatest, but I must say the article was pretty good!