Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Less than a week!

I leave for Berlin in 6 days now! It still seems really weird and I haven't really lost any sleep at all, and it just seems like time has been going faster. It really hasn't affected me at all. But it has been weird that about half of the people have already left. My host brother left for Argentina already too, so I won't get to meet him! But I think he's having an amazing time.

Well this week I've been hanging out with people everyday, because I didn't really have time to throw a party since I can't do anything this weekend. I think I'm going to try to do something Monday though. Sunday I have my family party, which will probably be the first time that I cry. I leave for the airport at 9:45 Tuesday morning, and my flight leaves for Philly at 1:33. There I meet up with like 30 exchange students, but like half of them head off to Brussels and Amsterdam. Then the rest of us go to Frankfurt, and then like 4 or 5 of us head to Berlin-Tegel! At Berlin, I think only my host mom will meet me, but also Leon will be there picking up his new brother! His is from California and I meet up with him in Philly. I just found that out and I was sooo excited!

Well I've got one bag packed, but I plan to finish the rest Monday because I need the rest of the clothes to wear. But I am pretty much done with everything else, and that is sooo relieving!

Only 7 more day until I'm there!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Reed, I just finished reading all your blogs. Very good! The party was fun yesterday and I am glad you didn't cry. I have your jacket done so I will bring it over later. Love you, Grandma
