Friday, August 20, 2010

I Made It!

Well I figured I should probably post something now that it's been 3 days. I'm going to start back on Tuesday, which seems like forever ago! Well I got up Tuesday, got everything packed, and then went to 4-star with my family. It was really nice, but I only almost cried when I hugged my dad. Then I left, got my things, said bye to my cousins, and I was off to the airport. The car ride wasn't that sad either, it was moslty just nice and relaxing. When we got to the airport I was told that I could get on the earlier flight, but Serenity got there sort of late, so we had to wait. We finally said our good-byes and headed through security at noon. My stuff was searched because of my pins and the soaps for families. We got through security, and then waited for about a half hour, then we were off to Philly. The flight was nice and short. The flight attendent just seemed really angry at first, but she turned out to be fine. The lady next to me was really nice, and she gave me 2 silly-bandz. We got off the flight and then met up with another exchange student who had been waiting for a few minutes. I ended up leaving to get food, I ran into another exchange student who was going to Belgium, I invited him to join us, but he never showed up. Eventually a big group of students came. It was soooo much fun! After 5 hours we got on our plane to Frankfurt, and then when we got there we all got seperated.
Only 6 of us were going to Berlin. Three of us already had our tickets, so we went to customs, which was almost too easy. All he did was ask for my final destination, and then I was on my way. We went to a few stores, we also experienced our first bit of culture shock when we saw a section of nude books. We eventually went through security where the group of us met up again. I got searched once again, but this guy was a bit stranger, and he had me unwrap the stuff. After that we met up with some nice lady from Thailand, who gave us all pins. Then we headed to our gate. From there we left for Berlin! It was very sad leaving everyone, but at least the 6 of us get to see eachother. All of our luggage made it, and went out and met our host families. My host mom and older brother were waiting for me. I also said hi to Leon and some inbound students from South America who came there to meet me. Then I left for my new home. I was very confused at first. I liked it but at the same time I already wanted to leave because I was extremely tired, and I just wanted some comfort. I got home and unpacked, and from there I started to feel much better. Then me and my family had dinner, and eveything was turing out to be fine! My host family is extremely nice. After dinner, Hannes had me go with him to his friends where we watched A-Team in German. It was very confusing, and I was ready to pass out from Jet-Lag. I finally went home and got some rest!

The next day I got up, met my YEO and then I met up with my host mom's friend's daughter, who wanted to show me around Berlin. She was very nice, but talking with her was very difficult because she hardly knew English and I hardly know German. But her friend came and she knew perfect English. We went to the main part and saw all the good stuff in Berlin. It was actually a lot of fun traveling on the subways and the other things. Seeing Berlin was a lot of fun too. It was definitely the funnest thing that I had done so far.
Today wasn't very exciting. We went to the police station, so that I could get my alien card or whatever it is. Then I went to my school and got my schedule. It is so nice because the let me skip out on a lot of classes. I only have a full day on Thursday, and it is still a little shorter than American school. After that I got my Berlin transportation pass. Then I went home and didn't really do anything exciting.

I must say though, Germany is very different from the U.S., but similar at the same time. It is just one of those things that you would have to experience while you're here...


  1. Glad to read a blog post about your travels and first few days. I'm glad you are meeting a lot of new people, and getting used to your surroundings. Maybe you can give us a weekly report of how your German language skills progress.

    Oh and you may want to use the spell checker on your blog posts before you publish them.

  2. I tried it, but it turns out that my spell check is now in German, so everything was wrong

  3. enjoyed reading your blog and glad that everything is fine. Did anyone accompany you to the police station and in getting your transportation pass? Have you tried communicating in German yet- or all in English so far? How do you find the German language as it is spoken by the natives? Sorry got too many questions. :-)

  4. Its fine. It went to the police department on Friday, but I still havent gone to the counsolate. My YEO said that he is going to scheudal an appointment. I have been trying to mostly speak German. It can normally say stuff in Germanglish, but when I'm really excited I need to speak English because it sort of kills the excitement when I talk. I ask all my questions about German in German, and the fact that all I hear is german hasn't been that weird.

  5. Hi Reed, happy to see you are safe and sound in Berlin. You look like you are really having a nice time in all the pictures. I love seeing all the buildings and scenery. Keep them coming! Love you, Grandma Kay
