Friday, August 27, 2010

Just a little update....

Well everything has been going great! I have my little group at school, and for the most part the teachers are cutting me some slack. I managed to figure out the classes, and you stay with a group all day, so I don't get lost. Only once did I end up in the wrong class room and it ended up being the principal! She doesn't really like me anymore...she is the only teacher that won't help me out, or let others help me, and of course she teaches math. If we didn't have to do word problems it would make sense, but of course it isn't that simple. I can't even do the homework she assigned! I assumed that the principal would be the person going around telling the teachers all about how they need to go easy on me, but it's not like that at all! Wow! I really didn't even realize how irritated I was!

Well other than that everything has been going well. Everyone in school is so nice. Now that I actually had time to talk to people I did. There is like 20 people in the class, and everyone is in their own little groups. But everyone will still talk to everyone. I still haven't done anything with anyone in the class, I think I'm doing stuff with some people next week. This weekend I'm meeting up with my one friend that I flew with here, and hopefully Leon. We're going to try to get around Berlin and it should be interesting because all we had was one experince there. It's actually sort of difficult to get lost in Berlin because there is always some form of transportation within 50 feet of you, and it will say where you are at. Also, on Monday, I am finally applying for my visa. I have to get there myself, and the U.S. embassy is in the same place where I am meeting my friends, so it would be the best time to get lost! Then next weekend I believe that we are going to have our first Exchange party, and it should be a lot of fun! I'm excited to see everyone again, and meet a bunch of new people!

I've only been here like 1 1/2 weeks, but it feels like much longer. But that is definitely not a bad thing. I am already used to Berlin, and it doesn't feel like I'm even in a forgein country. I'm used to German, but I'm still not used to not being able to understand. A group of little kids think it's funny that I don't understand, but that doesn't really bother me at all! I've already gotten a few questions for being American, of course I got asked if I like Obama and then a little Arabic boy asked me if I hated him because he's Muslim. It's very interesting what people think about Americans, but it doesn't bother me at all. I'm still proud to American.

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